Mandy Slim
Tall, slender, blonde, Mandy Slim had everything to become a recognized model in the ruthless world of fashion. However, the Dutch-born young lady chose a completely different career path, albeit still in the field of body styling... At barely 18 years old, she decided to enter the world of X, after having participated in a photo shoot where she took great pleasure in posing nude! Of course, a physique like hers does not go unnoticed, and Dutch, Belgian and even French producers are taking it away from her when she makes her debut in 2011. But the ransom of success is not long in coming: her family discovers her new job, and takes it rather badly: if she's going to pick up the pieces afterwards, she won't keep a very good memory of it. However, fame and her ability to keep even the most intense shootings going make Mandy Slim a model who sets sparks flying in the X-business: money flowing freely, the blond, busty girl discovers penthouses in the heart of Paris and the joys associated with them. While she obviously takes great pleasure in this life that is opening up to her, several events are beginning to make her think, such as the arrival of her first child, which she conceived with her current boyfriend. Moreover, the evolution of porn and its illegal gratuity pushes her in 2019 to draw a line under her career on the film sets, even if she obviously continues to have fun on webcam. Having an asserted taste for cosmetic surgery, she will have over time made several interventions, on her chest, her lips or her buttocks!