Shelley Bliss
Another rising star of X-business coming straight from Russia! Shelley Bliss, that's her stage name, started porn in 2018, when she was just 19 years old. Her face quickly stood out, with an angelic shape, but also and above all with big deep blue eyes and a naughty smile that obviously won over one director after another. Shelley Bliss was an almost immediate success, thanks in particular to her profile as a teenager with a total hunger for sex. Moreover, her red hair doesn't leave us without remembering that she could in fact be a deviless who came to Earth only to fuck ... Smiling in all occasions, Shelley Bliss surprises us each time a little more by her sexual practices, whether they are sensual or more hardcore. Indeed, the young lady quickly practiced anal in front of the camera, which obviously gives her a big plus in her profile. But if Shelley is a starlet in the making, she doesn't forget the afterwards: a math student, the young Russian girl has apparently already organized her life following her career . Shelley Bliss takes advantage of the various shootings to travel, something she loves more than anything else, Shelley Bliss has a lot of good days ahead of her and lots of experiments to realize, to the delight of her fans !